Source code for pennylane_qiskit.qiskit_device

# Copyright 2019 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

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Base Qiskit device class

.. currentmodule:: pennylane_qiskit.qiskit_device

This module contains a base class for constructing Qiskit devices for PennyLane.


.. autosummary::

Code details
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

import abc
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister
from qiskit import extensions as ex
from qiskit.circuit.measure import measure
from qiskit.compiler import assemble, transpile
from qiskit.converters import circuit_to_dag, dag_to_circuit

from pennylane import Device, QuantumFunctionError
from pennylane.operation import Sample

from ._version import __version__

[docs]@functools.lru_cache() def pauli_eigs(n): r"""Returns the eigenvalues for :math:`A^{\otimes n}`, where :math:`A` is any operator that shares eigenvalues with the Pauli matrices. Args: n (int): number of wires Returns: array[int]: eigenvalues of :math:`Z^{\otimes n}` """ if n == 1: return np.array([1, -1]) return np.concatenate([pauli_eigs(n - 1), -pauli_eigs(n - 1)])
QISKIT_OPERATION_MAP = { # native PennyLane operations also native to qiskit "PauliX": ex.XGate, "PauliY": ex.YGate, "PauliZ": ex.ZGate, "Hadamard": ex.HGate, "CNOT": ex.CnotGate, "CZ": ex.CzGate, "SWAP": ex.SwapGate, "RX": ex.RXGate, "RY": ex.RYGate, "RZ": ex.RZGate, "S": ex.SGate, "T": ex.TGate, # Adding the following for conversion compatibility "CSWAP": ex.FredkinGate, "CRZ": ex.CrzGate, "PhaseShift": ex.U1Gate, "QubitStateVector": ex.Initialize, "U2": ex.U2Gate, "U3": ex.U3Gate, "Toffoli": ex.ToffoliGate, "QubitUnitary": ex.UnitaryGate, } # Separate dictionary for the inverses as the operations dictionary needs # to be invertable for the conversion functionality to work QISKIT_OPERATION_INVERSES_MAP = {k + ".inv": v for k, v in QISKIT_OPERATION_MAP.items()}
[docs]class QiskitDevice(Device, abc.ABC): r"""Abstract Qiskit device for PennyLane. Args: wires (int): The number of qubits of the device provider (Provider): The Qiskit simulation provider backend (str): the desired backend shots (int): Number of circuit evaluations/random samples used to estimate expectation values of observables. Keyword Args: name (str): The name of the circuit. Default ``'circuit'``. compile_backend (BaseBackend): The backend used for compilation. If you wish to simulate a device compliant circuit, you can specify a backend here. analytic (bool): For statevector backends, determines if the expectation values and variances are to be computed analytically. Default value is ``False``. """ name = "Qiskit PennyLane plugin" pennylane_requires = ">=0.7.0" version = "0.8.0" plugin_version = __version__ author = "Xanadu" _capabilities = {"model": "qubit", "tensor_observables": True, "inverse_operations": True} _operation_map = {**QISKIT_OPERATION_MAP, **QISKIT_OPERATION_INVERSES_MAP} _state_backends = {"statevector_simulator", "unitary_simulator"} """set[str]: Set of backend names that define the backends that support returning the underlying quantum statevector""" operations = set(_operation_map.keys()) observables = {"PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ", "Identity", "Hadamard", "Hermitian"} hw_analytic_warning_message = "The analytic calculation of expectations and variances "\ "is only supported on statevector backends, not on the {}. "\ "The obtained result is based on sampling." _eigs = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, wires, provider, backend, shots=1024, **kwargs): super().__init__(wires=wires, shots=shots) self.analytic = kwargs.pop("analytic", False) if "verbose" not in kwargs: kwargs["verbose"] = False self.provider = provider self.backend_name = backend self._capabilities["backend"] = [ for b in self.provider.backends()] # check that backend exists if backend not in self._capabilities["backend"]: raise ValueError( "Backend '{}' does not exist. Available backends " "are:\n {}".format(backend, self._capabilities["backend"]) ) # perform validation against backend b = self.backend if wires > b.configuration().n_qubits: raise ValueError( "Backend '{}' supports maximum {} wires".format(backend, b.configuration().n_qubits) ) # Inner state self._reg = QuantumRegister(wires, "q") self._creg = ClassicalRegister(wires, "c") self._circuit = None self._current_job = None self._state = None # statevector of a simulator backend # job execution options self.memory = False # do not return samples, just counts # determine if backend supports backend options and noise models, # and properly put together backend run arguments s = inspect.signature( self.run_args = {} self.compile_backend = None if "compile_backend" in kwargs: self.compile_backend = kwargs.pop("compile_backend") if "noise_model" in kwargs: if "noise_model" in s.parameters: self.run_args["noise_model"] = kwargs.pop("noise_model") else: raise ValueError("Backend {} does not support noisy simulations".format(backend)) if "backend_options" in s.parameters: self.run_args["backend_options"] = kwargs self.reset()
@property def backend(self): """The Qiskit simulation backend object""" return self.provider.get_backend(self.backend_name)
[docs] def apply(self, operation, wires, par): mapped_operation = self._operation_map[operation] qregs = [self._reg[i] for i in wires] if operation == "QubitStateVector": if self.backend_name == "unitary_simulator": raise QuantumFunctionError("The QubitStateVector operation is not supported on the unitary simulator backend.") if len(par[0]) != 2 ** len(wires): raise ValueError("State vector must be of length 2**wires.") qregs = list(reversed(qregs)) if operation == "QubitUnitary": if len(par[0]) != 2 ** len(wires): raise ValueError("Unitary matrix must be of shape (2**wires, 2**wires).") qregs = list(reversed(qregs)) dag = circuit_to_dag(QuantumCircuit(self._reg, self._creg, name="")) gate = mapped_operation(*par) if operation.endswith(".inv"): gate = gate.inverse() dag.apply_operation_back(gate, qargs=qregs) qc = dag_to_circuit(dag) self._circuit = self._circuit + qc
[docs] def compile(self): """Compile the quantum circuit to target the provided compile_backend. If compile_backend is None, then the target is simply the backend.""" compile_backend = self.compile_backend or self.backend compiled_circuits = transpile(self._circuit, backend=compile_backend) return assemble( experiments=compiled_circuits, backend=compile_backend, shots=self.shots, memory=self.memory, )
[docs] def run(self, qobj): """Run the compiled circuit, and query the result.""" self._current_job =, **self.run_args) result = self._current_job.result() if self.backend_name in self._state_backends: self._state = self._get_state(result)
[docs] def _get_state(self, result): """Returns the statevector for state simulator backends. Args: result (qiskit.Result): result object Returns: array[float]: size ``(2**num_wires,)`` statevector """ if self.backend_name == "statevector_simulator": state = np.asarray(result.get_statevector()) elif self.backend_name == "unitary_simulator": unitary = np.asarray(result.get_unitary()) initial_state = np.zeros([2 ** self.num_wires]) initial_state[0] = 1 state = unitary @ initial_state # reverse qubit order to match PennyLane convention return state.reshape([2] * self.num_wires).T.flatten()
[docs] def rotate_basis(self, obs, wires, par): """Rotates the specified wires such that they are in the eigenbasis of the provided observable. Args: observable (str): the name of an observable wires (List[int]): wires the observable is measured on par (List[Any]): parameters of the observable """ if obs == "PauliX": # X = H.Z.H self.apply("Hadamard", wires=wires, par=[]) elif obs == "PauliY": # Y = (HS^)^.Z.(HS^) and S^=SZ self.apply("PauliZ", wires=wires, par=[]) self.apply("S", wires=wires, par=[]) self.apply("Hadamard", wires=wires, par=[]) elif obs == "Hadamard": # H = Ry(-pi/4)^.Z.Ry(-pi/4) self.apply("RY", wires, [-np.pi / 4]) elif obs == "Hermitian": # For arbitrary Hermitian matrix H, let U be the unitary matrix # that diagonalises it, and w_i be the eigenvalues. Hmat = par[0] Hkey = tuple(Hmat.flatten().tolist()) if Hkey in self._eigs: # retrieve eigenvectors U = self._eigs[Hkey]["eigvec"] else: # store the eigenvalues corresponding to H # in a dictionary, so that they do not need to # be calculated later w, U = np.linalg.eigh(Hmat) self._eigs[Hkey] = {"eigval": w, "eigvec": U} # Perform a change of basis before measuring by applying U^ to the circuit self.apply("QubitUnitary", wires, [U.conj().T])
[docs] def pre_measure(self): for e in self.obs_queue: # Add unitaries if a different expectation value is given # Exclude unitary_simulator as it does not support memory=True if hasattr(e, "return_type") and e.return_type == Sample and self.backend_name != 'unitary_simulator': self.memory = True # make sure to return samples if isinstance(, list): # tensor product for n, w, p in zip(, e.wires, e.parameters): self.rotate_basis(n, w, p) else: # single wire observable self.rotate_basis(, e.wires, e.parameters) if self.backend_name not in self._state_backends: # Add measurements if they are needed for qr, cr in zip(self._reg, self._creg): measure(self._circuit, qr, cr) qobj = self.compile()
[docs] def expval(self, observable, wires, par): if self.backend_name in self._state_backends and self.analytic: # exact expectation value eigvals = self.eigvals(observable, wires, par) prob = np.fromiter(self.probabilities(wires=wires).values(), dtype=np.float64) return (eigvals @ prob).real if self.analytic: # Raise a warning if backend is a hardware simulator warnings.warn(self.hw_analytic_warning_message. format(self.backend), UserWarning) # estimate the ev return np.mean(self.sample(observable, wires, par))
[docs] def var(self, observable, wires, par): if self.backend_name in self._state_backends and self.analytic: # exact variance value eigvals = self.eigvals(observable, wires, par) prob = np.fromiter(self.probabilities(wires=wires).values(), dtype=np.float64) return (eigvals ** 2) @ prob - (eigvals @ prob).real ** 2 if self.analytic: # Raise a warning if backend is a hardware simulator warnings.warn(self.hw_analytic_warning_message. format(self.backend), UserWarning) return np.var(self.sample(observable, wires, par))
[docs] def sample(self, observable, wires, par): if observable == "Identity": return np.ones([self.shots]) # branch out depending on the type of backend if self.backend_name in self._state_backends: # software simulator. Need to sample from probabilities. eigvals = self.eigvals(observable, wires, par) prob = np.fromiter(self.probabilities(wires=wires).values(), dtype=np.float64) return np.random.choice(eigvals, self.shots, p=prob) # a hardware simulator if self.memory: # get the samples samples = self._current_job.result().get_memory() # reverse qubit order to match PennyLane convention samples = np.vstack([np.array([int(i) for i in s[::-1]]) for s in samples]) else: # Need to convert counts into samples samples = np.vstack( [np.vstack([s] * int(self.shots * p)) for s, p in self.probabilities().items()] ) if isinstance(observable, str) and observable in {"PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ", "Hadamard"}: return 1 - 2 * samples[:, wires[0]] eigvals = self.eigvals(observable, wires, par) wires = np.hstack(wires) res = samples[:, np.array(wires)] samples = np.zeros([self.shots]) for w, b in zip(eigvals, itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=len(wires))): samples = np.where(np.all(res == b, axis=1), w, samples) return samples
@property def state(self): return self._state
[docs] def probabilities(self, wires=None): """Return the (marginal) probability of each computational basis state from the last run of the device. Args: wires (Sequence[int]): Sequence of wires to return marginal probabilities for. Wires not provided are traced out of the system. Returns: OrderedDict[tuple, float]: Dictionary mapping a tuple representing the state to the resulting probability. The dictionary should be sorted such that the state tuples are in lexicographical order. """ # Note: Qiskit uses the convention that the first qubit is the # least significant qubit. if self._current_job is None: return None if self.backend_name in self._state_backends: # statevector simulator prob = np.abs(self.state.reshape([2] * self.num_wires)) ** 2 else: # hardware simulator result = self._current_job.result() # sort the counts and reverse qubit order to match PennyLane convention nonzero_prob = { tuple(int(i) for i in s[::-1]): c / self.shots for s, c in result.get_counts().items() } if wires is None: # marginal probabilities not required return OrderedDict(tuple(sorted(nonzero_prob.items()))) prob = np.zeros([2] * self.num_wires) for s, p in tuple(sorted(nonzero_prob.items())): prob[s] = p wires = wires or range(self.num_wires) wires = np.hstack(wires) basis_states = itertools.product(range(2), repeat=len(wires)) inactive_wires = list(set(range(self.num_wires)) - set(wires)) prob = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, prob, inactive_wires).flatten() return OrderedDict(zip(basis_states, prob))
[docs] def eigvals(self, observable, wires, par): """Determine the eigenvalues of observable(s). Args: observable (str, List[str]): the name of an observable, or a list of observables representing a tensor product wires (List[int]): wires the observable(s) is measured on par (List[Any]): parameters of the observable(s) Returns: array[float]: an array of size ``(len(wires),)`` containing the eigenvalues of the observable """ # the standard observables all share a common eigenbasis {1, -1} # with the Pauli-Z gate/computational basis measurement standard_observables = {"PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ", "Hadamard"} # observable should be Z^{\otimes n} eigvals = pauli_eigs(len(wires)) if isinstance(observable, list): # tensor product of observables # check if there are any non-standard observables (such as Identity, Hadamard) if set(observable) - standard_observables: # Tensor product of observables contains a mixture # of standard and non-standard observables eigvals = np.array([1]) # group the observables into subgroups, depending on whether # they are in the standard observables or not. for k, g in itertools.groupby( zip(observable, wires, par), lambda x: x[0] in standard_observables ): if k: # Subgroup g contains only standard observables. # Determine the size of the subgroup, by transposing # the list, flattening it, and determining the length. n = len([w for sublist in list(zip(*g))[1] for w in sublist]) eigvals = np.kron(eigvals, pauli_eigs(n)) else: # Subgroup g contains only non-standard observables. for ns_obs in g: # loop through all non-standard observables if ns_obs[0] == "Hermitian": # Hermitian observable has pre-computed eigenvalues p = ns_obs[2] Hkey = tuple(p[0].flatten().tolist()) eigvals = np.kron(eigvals, self._eigs[Hkey]["eigval"]) elif ns_obs[0] == "Identity": # Identity observable has eigenvalues (1, 1) eigvals = np.kron(eigvals, np.array([1, 1])) elif observable == "Hermitian": # single wire Hermitian observable Hkey = tuple(par[0].flatten().tolist()) eigvals = self._eigs[Hkey]["eigval"] elif observable == "Identity": # single wire identity observable eigvals = np.ones(2 ** len(wires)) return eigvals
[docs] def reset(self): self._circuit = QuantumCircuit(self._reg, self._creg, name="temp") self._state = None